Saturday, November 29, 2008
New Hornady Products

Friday, November 28, 2008
A Gun Hugger's Christmas List

One shouldn't confuse Black Friday with Black Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, which have been part of the national lexicon since the 1929 Wall Street Crash. But there may be traders jumping out windows next Monday and Tuesday if the Black Friday sales results aren't good.
Since I don't venture out on Black Friday, I've been shopping online for stuff on the kids' Christmas lists. Then my inner child kicked in. I compiled a shooting-related Christmas list for Santa, which probably won't do any good cause I've been bad this year.
Santa, here it is:
An EOTech 512 or 516 Holographic Weapon Sight
Para-Ordnance PXT 1911 LTC 9mm pistol
An AR-15 stripped lower
Bulk Winchester or Remington 9mm bullets, 115-grain JHP
Badger Ordnance Gen II tactical latch
Safariland Rapid Light System (RLS)
Stevens Model 200 bolt-action rifle in .243 Winchester
Seven items for a whole week of black days, Santa. Travel safe. Don't drink and drive the reindeer.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Future of the U.S.: Two Views

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday Afternoon at the Range

Friday, November 21, 2008
Be True to Your Party or Pay: Kansas Politics

It details political payback, the branding of traitors by both the Democratic and Republican state leadership. Certain people delete those branded from their smartphones. These traitors cease to exist: no chance of being sent to national conventions, no phone calls or e-mails answered, no invitations to Kansas Day ceremonies at the state capitol every January, and no lovely holiday cards from the powerful. It is worse than being sent to the gulag for a politico. A bullet in the back of the head is certainly more merciful.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Trickle-down Economics, Chicago Style

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Eric Holder, the Next Attorney General?

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Reloading for the 9mm carbine
The Rock River Arms upper is built with a 16-inch, 1-10" twist Wilson Arms barrel. It performed well with the handful of reloads using 147-grain Hornady XTPs, 4.2 grains of Unique and Winchester once-fired brass I fed through it. I still have some left, which I'll put to more extensive testing. I'll run some across the chronograph when the wind settles down. If I had to guess, they will probably clock around 1,000 feet per second.
I also have some 125-grain, .355-in. bullets on the shelf, Remington Golden Sabers and Speer Gold Dots, left over from when I reloaded for a Glock 32 .357 Sig.
The handloads with 88 and 115 grain JHPs were charged with Winchester 231 powder. It left much debris inside the fire-control assembly and throughout the upper receiver. I have had the same problems with it in 9mm pistols but thought it might burn better in the longer barrel. I finally gave up trying to brush and swab it out. Compressed air did the trick.
I have two pounds of Alliant Power Pistol and most of an 8-pound keg of Unique left. Both powders will produce higher velocities than the faster-burning Winchester 231.
Most shops don't stock Alliant Power Pistol here. One store about 50 miles usually has some, but they want more than $25 a pound for it. Power Pistol is one of the best powders I've used in .40 S&W and .357 Sig. I also use it in the .38 Special for 125-140 grain jacketed bullets.
Now that gasoline is down to $1.85 per gallon, I'm thinking about driving down to Winfield, Kansas, to Powder Valley, Inc., and stocking up on powder and bullets. It also stocks Zero jacketed bullets, an attractive alternative now that some 9mm bullets are selling for nearly $20 per 100.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The five people I am required to spread the meme to will wonder if it was a good thing the fertilizer company employees climbed up one of the towers today to fix the lightning-damaged hardware. The wind didn't pick up until after they fixed stuff, which is good because the gusts at that height can rip a pair of Big Smith overalls right off a fellow.
The instructions: Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!
element: to hold in high esteem ant despise
appreciation n. 1 a: sensitive awareness; esp. recognition of aesthetic values b: JUDGMENT, EVALUATION; esp. a favorable critical estimate
There you go, Jim. You now know what book is close to hand: Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. It was either that or a book of coupons without page numbers. I'll pick five victims tomorrow. It's getting late.
Maureen didn't receive the memo.

Maureen, the public editor for the Times, Clark Hoyt, should inspect your lingerie stash and all receipts to see if any of it was charged to the corporation or received by you gratuitously. Clark, think about all the fact checkers the paper could hire with the funds it's paying Maureen.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It Is Finished! 9mm AR-15 Carbine

Yes, the UPS guy delivered the Rock River Arms 9mm top end plus a 9mm hammer. I had already installed the dedicated Hahn Precision magazine block in a Bushmaster lower receiver equipped with a Magpul CTR stock, 9mm carbine buffer and spring. The Hahn fit into the Bushmaster lower perfectly.
I cleaned rust preservative out of the top end and applied a bit of Tetra Gun oil and grease, put a spring on the 9mm hammer, installed it in the lower, mounted the top on the lower, and ventured out into a sunny, but extremely muddy, day.
I sighted in the carbine with some 115-grain JHPS at 50 yards. I didn't need to adjust elevation. The ARMS #40 rear required two clicks to the right. Then I tried a few 147-grain Hornady XTPs on top of 4.2 grains of Unique. Six rounds went into 1 1/8". The 115-grain Winchester USA ball ammo grouped between 3 to 4 inches as well as some reloads using 115-grain Remington JHPs and Winchester 231.
I ran 163 rounds through the carbine. There were four malfunctions during the first three magazines. The first round chambered would not eject once fired. Two of these malfunctions happened with some reloads using 88-grain JHPS I had left over after trading off a Walther PPK in .380. They haven't worked well in any 9mm pistol I've tried them in except for a Browning Hi-Power.
The remaining 88-grain stubbies fed through the carbine flawlessly. I blew up a couple of dozen hedge apples with them and some 115-grain JHPs in honor of Barry. All of the 20 and 32-round CProducts magazines locked the bolt and dropped free without fail.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Standing in the Gap

On this Veteran's Day, we shouldn't forget those who quietly stand in the gap: Marines at U.S. embassies, Coast Guard boarding teams, flight crews of Air Force refueling tankers, the men and women buried deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, the crews of Aegis guided missle destroyers and subs, the members of reserve units, those along an remote, fortified border with North Korea, and countless others past, present and future.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Two bright spots in the economy
Every vendor I've checked are out of stock of Magpul polymer, 20 or 30-round AR-15 magazines and 30-round mil-spec aluminum magazines. And the National Shooting Sports Foundation reports firearms sales are 10 percent higher this fall compared to the last. October sales are 15 percent higher than October 2007. Ammunition sales were up 14.2 percent in the second quarter of 2008 despite price increases caused by a global metals shortage.
Trial lawyers, one of the major blocks of the Democratic Party, have long waged wars on fatty food and guns. I don't see McDonald's and the firearms industry faring too well this time next year. Neither will find love when seeking federal bailouts unlike Detroit's no-longer-big-three automakers and AIG.
In the meantime, the Change Administration is going retro. Obama isn't a socialist--he's a monarchist. He's going to be a king, according to his spokesperson , Valerie Jarrett, who appeared on Meet the Press yesterday.
Ms. Jarrett is "the other side of" President-elect Obama's "brain", believe it or not.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
9mm AR-15 Carbine update
So next week, I should be able to assemble the carbine and give it a whirl. I have a ARMS #40 rear sight to mount on the flattop. I'm going to keep it simple for now. The shelves are loaded with 9mm ammunition, and it doesn't cost near as much to replace as .223 Remington.
I'm glad I ordered the parts, top end and CProducts magazines before Nov. 4. The NRA-ILA offers this note of explanation. Of course, the original page referred by the NRA-ILA, http://change.gov/agenda/urbanpolicy, "is not available right now."
A scrap of an old poem, "Pop"

Friday, November 7, 2008
Oxford's list of the 10 most irritating phrases
1 - At the end of the dayWith all due respect, I think a few, fairly unique phrases should be added at this moment in time such as: "awesome", "retard", "gun violence", "very" preceding any modifier, "building a bridge to" anything, "common sense gun safety legislation", "cutting the pie", "The War Against" anything, "assault weapons", "large-capacity ammunition feeding devices" or "clips", extremists, liberals, conversatives, "bitch slap", "ho", "I feel your pain", and "breaking news".
2 - Fairly unique
3 - I personally
4 - At this moment in time
5 - With all due respect
6 - Absolutely
7 - It's a nightmare
8 - Shouldn't of
9 - 24/7
10 - It's not rocket science
It's a 24/7 nightmare of mass proportion. Absolutely.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
ABA names "Lawyers Who May Run America"

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Teaching and equipping the next generation
He recently joined the National Rifle Association. His parents didn't pay for the membership. Jerome works for a retired teacher who has a large farm. He's squared away and welcome here any time. Last summer he worked at a Boy Scout firearms range.
There are definitely more youth out there like Jerome than the wacko, teenage killers prominent in news coverage. It's just too boring and not deemed newsworthy to report on responsible youth using firearms safely while having fun. Shooting is a strengthening discipline, good exercise that will help ward off obesity, and will enhance a practitioner's mental ability and relieve stress.If you haven't already, introduce a young person to the shooting sports. Encourage them. Guide them. Set good examples.

Jerome, it was a great afternoon. Thanks for visiting. Bring your rifle next time and come earlier.
What to do with pumpkins?
Brigid and other talented cooks can turn Halloween-surplus pumpkins into pie, soup, casseroles, pumpkin bars, etc. But judging by the different methods of pumpkin disposal on YouTube, many lack culinary inclinations.
This video illustrates the Bill Ayers method. There's something about a good ... pumpkin.