Despite all the "community activism" through the decades by Saul Alinsky disciples such as Barack Obama, the best efforts of ACORNers, and some of the strictest laws on private ownership of firearms in the nation shoved onto its citizens by the Daley combine, Chicago is an increasingly dangerous place to live, work and visit. Women there are turning their back on the "conventional wisdom" they've been fed about gun ownership and firearms training. They're shopping in gun stores, taking firearms training and heading to the range in record numbers.
Chicago is one of the few places I've been forced to draw a firearm in defense. I traveled there during an icy March weekend more than 20 years ago with some family members. We were returning to our hotel on a street that intersected Michigan Avenue. A group of eight men began to tail us as we took corners and crossed streets. As they started to close in, I noticed a stout, steel-plate dumpster in the middle of one block, I got behind it as the three others I was with started running. I flipped my coat tail back and drew my revolver. The stalkers suddenly figured out it was best to turn around and find more ideal prey.
Mayor Daley and the Chicago police wouldn't have approved. But they weren't around to notice. Gun control isn't reasonable or safe. It just makes it easier for criminals to victimize law-abiding-but-defenseless citizens. Hats off to the armed citizens of Chicago.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A passage from a journal

"Lord, how the world is given to worshiping words! Eschew the coarse word slavery, and you can get glad acceptance for a condition of actual slavery. A man is a slave when his labour-products are appropriated, and his activities are governed by some agency other than himself; that is the essence of slavery. Refrain from using the word Bolshevism, or Fascism, Hitlerism, Marxism, Communism, and you have no troubles getting acceptance for the principle that underlies them all alike--the principle that the State is everything, and the individual nothing."
Nock, a friend of William Jennings Bryan and one of the lights of the early Progressive movement, eventually found these advocates of "change" and "reform" to be "political Frankensteins." In the State, he held no trust. He viewed Statism as a cancer that would eventually throttle the power of independent moral judgment in its citizenry.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Give him a teleprompter or something ...
Uhh, perhaps, uhh ... the's president's low, uhh ... approval ratings, uhh ... could, uhh, I'm sorry, uhh ... pick up, uhh ... 20 points, if he embraced, uhh ... a robust process to, uhh ... find a press secretary to replace, uhh, Robert Gibbs.
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