Friday, October 31, 2008
Intellectuals or Bigots? You decide.

"It's the silly season"
Cooper has either resigned or has been ousted in order to put distance between him and his company. He said there is nothing he won't do for his 38 employees, innocents who had "internet anger" turned on them. However, he didn't answer any questions regarding his plans regarding his stake in Cooper Arms of Montana, Inc., and other roles he might play with the company.
Of course, Bob Ricker, executive director of the anti-Second Amendment front group, American Hunters and Shooters Association, had nothing good to say about any gun owner who objected to Cooper's poor public relations and business decisions.
Cooper is right. He's the victim. The paying or potential customers who complained are wrong. They are paranoid and are too silly to understand. And anyone who e-mails or posts different points of view such as Sebastian of Snowflakes in Hell are white, racist, gun nuts.
I can't speak for Sebastian. He writes and posts more effectively. But when I watched the 1994 Biden Crime Bill, which contained a ban on firearms solely for subjective, cosmetic reasons, pass through Congress to rapidly be signed into law by President Bill Clinton, I knew it was a first step toward a total ban on firearms ownership. I watched it unfold on C-SPAN Sept. 13, 1994.
It wasn't a delusion. Still flushed from celebration, the antis leaked plans for "reasonable, commonsense" restrictions such as arsenal taxes, restrictions on the amount of ammunition and reloading components one could possess in their homes, one-gun-a-month limits, a broader Brady Ban II, and efforts to demonize the "gun culture" such as discouraging people from wearing camouflage clothing and exploiting division in the ranks of gun owners.
Never again! If foreign interests or a nice guy like Dan Cooper buckle under or sell out the workers and consumers of companies such as Smith & Wesson in 1999-2000 or Cooper Arms of Montana, Inc., in 2008, there's going to be a lot of gun owners watching, writing and spending money elsewhere.
Dan, WAKE UP! You endorsed and funded the same candidate Sarah Brady is backing! Have a few of your 38 employees draw you pictures or slap you back into reality. Talk to some other people in your industry. Know your customers.
Your fancy, wood-stocked rifles possess barrels made by Wilson Arms, the outfit that made my AR-15 barrel. A Cooper rifle can kill at too far of a range, are deadly sniper rifles, and can penetrate body armor. Cruel white guys used them to slaughter poor Bambi on government land. When the Obamacons come for my AR-15, your fine hunting rifles aren't that much farther down their list.
Dan, stop blubbering to USA Today and humbly apologize to your 38 workers, your network of dealers, your suppliers such as Wilson Arms, and your industry. Then, made amends to the honorable people that helped you in your climb from mowing yards to heading a company making fine rifles.
Dan, those people are noble, tough, smart, and will prove forgiving if an apology comes from the contrite heart of a fellow rifleman. They're straight shooters. The antis, including Sen. Obama, will maim you at a time and place not of your choosing.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
No coffee, a sad song, and a screwdriver: a killing combo

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Cooper Firearms of Montana statement
"The employees,shareholders and board of directors of Cooper Firearms of Montana do not share the personal political views of Dan Cooper.
Although we all believe everyone has a right to vote and donate as they see fit, it has become apparent that the fallout may affect more than just Mr. Cooper. It may also affect the employees and the shareholders of Cooper Firearms.
The board of directors has asked Mr. Cooper to resign as President of Cooper Firearms of Montana, Inc.
Daily operations will continue with the competent staff currently in place in Stevensville, MT producing the finest, most accurate rifles money can buy.
Dan Cooper has spentall of his working life producing the highest quality rifles built here in the USA. He started with nothing but the American Dream and built that into firearms company anyone would be proud of. We firmly believe Dan stands by the 2nd amendment. We wish him all of the best in his future pursuits.
In response to the recent article highlighting Dan Cooper’s personal political donations, the board of directors, shareholders and employees of Cooper Firearms of Montana, Inc would like to issue the following statement."
Bank that cash ... in a state senator's brassiere

Support those who support the Second Amendment
If you're concerned if someone you trade with is undermining the Second Amendment, go to the Federal Election Commission and do a search. Enter your own name as well. Who knows? Maybe an ACORNer or your house cat has assumed your identity.

Anyhow, here's my comment regarding the Potterfields and other people who I buy guns, ammo, and other related items from:
"BTW, Brenda and Larry Potterfield of MidwayUSA have donated thousands to pro-Second Amendment candidates in Missouri. I will continue to redistribute wealth to to them and their employees, all fine people, as I have done since the inception of their mail-order business. I have a MidwayUSA order right in front of me. The add-a-buck option to the NRA that MidwayUSA and a growing number of other companies such as Brownells offers to customers is always a plus for me. And I've never seen an NRA contribution can sitting on the sporting goods counter at Wal-Mart. Gun stores that support the Second Amendment in any way such as funding 4-H shooting sports deserve our wealth."If you don't want to redistribute your human and financial resources to one particular group or another, there's a wide range of good choices. Help out your state rifle association, Gun Owners of America, the Second Amendment Foundation, the CCRKBA, a Junior USA Shooting Team program, or the shooting sports efforts of Boy Scouts of America. Teach, score a junior competitor's target, oppose range closures, and set good examples. There are thousands of ways to extend the freedom we enjoy to others now and generations to follow.
Don't despair. Distrust shouldn't put us in blinders. Do some research. Take positive action. Don't let up. The 2008 presidential horserace will soon be soon be over. Our campaign isn't.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"Proud" NRA Member Dan Cooper backs Barack "Redistributor" Obama

If I'm able to garner enough wealth to redistribute if Obama moves to the White House, I'm certain Dan Cooper doesn't mind if I spread it to any of his competitors not stupid enough to undermine the U.S. Constitution, their customers, and their industry.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Miz Minka's Musings: Musical Monday: A Yodel
By way of Miz Minka's blog, here's a lady, Lisa Ward-Dillier, who does both at the same time. I can't remember an episode when Myron Floren yodeled. And he was inducted into the International Polka Hall of Fame!
Miz Minka's Musings: Musical Monday: A Yodel#links#links#links#links
"Wunnerful, Wunnerful!"
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Message from a True Second Amendment Supporter

"Although Obama claims to be an advocate for the 2nd Amendment, his voting record in the Illinois Senate paints a very different picture. While a state senator, Obama voted for a bill that would ban nearly every hunting rifle, shotgun and target rifle owned by Illinois citizens. That same bill would authorize the state police to raid homes of gun owners to forcibly confiscate banned guns. Obama supported a bill that would shut down law-abiding firearm manufacturers including Springfield Armory, Armalite, Rock River Arms and Les Baer. Obama also voted for a bill that would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing more than one gun per month.
Without a doubt, Barack Obama has proven himself to be an enemy of the law abiding firearm owner. At the same time, Obama has proven himself to be a friend to the hardened criminal. While a state senator, Obama voted 4 times against legislation that would allow a homeowner to use a firearm in defense of home and family."
One can find the whole text of Pearson's statement here or listen to a podcast interview conducted by Gary Kopel.
Friday, October 24, 2008
A 44-year-old message

Said he to the Madison Square Garden throng: "It is a fact that Lyndon Johnson and his curious crew seem to believe that progress in this country is best served simply and directly through the ever-expanding gift power of the everlastingly growing Federal Government. One thing we all know, and I assure you I do: that's a much easier way to get votes than my way. It always has been. It's political Daddyism, and it's as old as demagogues and despotism."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Fair and Balanced, Left vs. Right
If you're one of the growing numbers of people who turn their noses up at the graying, corporate-bound and moribund "mainstream" media, I present to you opportunities for insight from two e-sources, the leftist viewpoint from People's Weekly World and the right's Sweetness & Light. When used together, the pair will no doubt serve readers more than a baker's dozen of traditional news outlets.
You'll find both links to the right of the blog in my links section.
Neither e-publication makes false claims about being objective, balanced, fair or accurate. The PWW clearly lays out its bias, "We take sides... Yours! Working class news and opinion since 1924" It is the press organ for the Communist Party USA.
Now, Sweetness & Light is a bit more murky. It is a "Weblog featuring US and international news and analysis from a conservative perspective." There's no contact information. The domain name is registered to Domains by Proxy, Inc., of Scottsdale, Ariz.
I know what you're thinking. S&L and PWW aren't legitimate news sources. Well, neither are SNL, The View, Oprah, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Comedy Channel, The Dave Letterman Show, Vanity Fair, Air America or Rush Limbaugh's EIB network. However, all those media outlets have shaped political discourse and opinion this year and in the past.
Journalists can't agree on exactly what a journalist is. The members of the Society of Professional Journalists studied and debated a proposed code of ethics for months before one was approved at its national convention in 1996. It calls for accountability, fairness, not paying for news, disclosure of sources whenever feasible and much more.
However, the Society will not enforce the code against any of its members and lacks control over other journalists outside its ranks. The code is totally voluntary, which means it is a pipe dream. The code is passed around in news rooms and journalism schools. Sometimes one can find it in a nice frame on a wall. I have a nice, framable copy that was presented to me in journalism school.
When you watch coverage of election-night festivities in downtown Chicago Nov. 4, know FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC and a whole slew of print-media giants paid the Obama-Biden campaign for prime access to major players. The media also paid extra for assigned places on risers offering a better view. The campaign is charging a $900 parking fee per satelite truck payable in advance. I have no idea if the McCain-Palin campaign plans anything similar.
It is not ethical to pay for access to news sources no matter how any campaign justifies it. It instantly delegitimizes and undermines any newsgathering operation willing to pay and play.
There's still journalists out there who haven't sold out to either side--or anyone. They must feel outnumbered and impotent right now.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sweet Home Chicago
This 12-bar blues standard, which is credited to the legendary Mississippi Delta musician Robert Leroy Johnson by some, is an unofficial Chicago anthem. The Democrats also played it a lot during their 1996 national convention. It has been covered by at least 500 artists including Johnny Otis, Muddy Waters, Fleetwood Mac, Eric Clapton, Roosevelt "Honeydripper" Sykes and Earl Hooker.
Mr. Johnson never visited Chicago, it is believed. His lyrics differed from the better-known version. The Honeydripper was the first one to record Sweet Home Chicago using the lyrics used in the Blues Brothers cover.
Others claim Johnson borrowed the song from a part-Cherokee blues guitarist, Scrapper Blackwell. Scrapper, who grew up and spent most of his life in Indianapolis, did travel to Chicago and the "level light city", Kokomo, Ind. He recorded Kokomo Blues in the 1928 for Vocation Records. Johnson's version that changed the city to Chicago was also recorded for Vocation nine years later.
Now, Johnson was the guy who was rumored to have sold his soul to the Devil at a Mississippi crossroad. He gets the credit for writing Sweet Home Chicago. The legend died at another Mississippi crossroad in August 1938, possibly from drinking strychnine-laced whiskey.
Blackwell lived on until October 1962 when he was shot and killed during an Indianapolis alley mugging.
Monday, October 20, 2008
A demotion?

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Nothing in particular
The weather has been beautiful. The maple trees are in their full autumn splendor. The oaks are starting to catch up. The full sun soaks into a body, but it isn't too hot. It got up to 71 degrees this afternoon. There's a good breeze blowing out of the south.
The one jarring event of the weekend was finding our oldest mare, Lacey, dead in the pasture. She passed late Saturday morning without warning while grazing along the creek. Lacey, a beautiful gray, dappled Missouri Fox Trotter, lasted 28 1/2 years. She won a batch of shows, gave us some excellent colts until she was 19 or 20, and has been retired since then. She was the Queen out in the pasture. The others always shrank back at the feeders.
I'm still putting together some items I'll need for the 9mm AR-15 project. I've ordered more 20 and 32-round CProducts 9mm magazines from 44Mag.com and a magazine pouch from Tactical Tailor. As I can only strong-thumb 11 rounds into the magazines, I need a Colt SMG LULA mag loader. I'll probably order it from MidwayUSA or Brownells.
There have been times around here when I've had to grab up a weapon and other gear and travel a half-mile away from the house at night. I'll rig up a belt with pouches for magazines and a spare flashlight and a multi-tool to grab up with the 9mm. It will be a potent carbine out to perhaps 100 yards that all family members can use.
We're close to the county line and it usually takes at least 20 minutes for law enforcement to arrive if there's any trouble. It's usually pretty quiet here, but there have been notable exceptions stamped on my memory.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday Night Lights

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Congressman Calls Constituents Racists

Mr. Murtha said it has taken time for the state's voters embrace a black presidential candidate.
Obama meets a "Wealthy" Ohio Plumber
Obama, when asked about his tax plan, said he did not want to punish Wurzelbacher's success as a tradesman and small business owner. The senator simply wants to spread Wurzelbacher's wealth around so "that everyone behind you--that they have a chance at success too."
Joe, the next time you're laboring in an effleunt-filled hole, look behind you and see if anyone's there. Perhaps if your small business paid less tax, you could afford to hire extra employees, upgrade equipment, and purchase better health care. You should have that freedom, as you made a point of telling the candidate.
Small business owners like Mr. Wurzelbacher employ nearly two-thirds of this nation's workforce. Why does Sen. Obama distrust millions like Wurzelbacher to the extreme he must take matters into his own, uncalloused hands?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"Vigorous writing is concise."

They're just doing it for your own good, you should know. A Polish philosopher, Karol Libelt (1807-1875) was the first to detail how a mixture of messianism and intellectual elitism can produce change. He believed the Polish people would be able to redeem the history of the world with moral excellence gained through past oppression and heightened intellectual prowess. The intelligentsia, or inteligencja, were to lead the common people as a "guide for the reason of their higher enlightenment." The Soviets and Nazis killed off most of the Polish inteligencja during World War II.
Join the social experiment. Become a member of the literati. Volunteer for the grammar posse. Register--seven times if you can get away with it--as your blog's community activist. Together we can change. Yes, we can.
Find a style book. William E Strunk, Jr., convinced a pupil, E.B. White, to adopt The Elements of Style. Mr. White edited Strunk's 1918 original in 1959, and "Strunk & White" was born. Maybe you cursed it or similar guides such as the MLA Style Manual, the APA style guide, or Mayor Daley's favorite, The Chicago Manual of Style, in high school or college.
If someone says you've spelled "parallel" wrong, point out his or her unparalleled sentences. For one nasty note regarding a typo, raise the question of the critic's dangling gerund plus his overuse of passive voice. That will keep us busy until change comes, Spanish lessons start, and any uncooperative intelligentsias are guided to "higher enlightenment."
V.I. Lenin wrote to Maxim Gorky, Sept. 15, 1919, "No. It isn't a sin to jail such "men of talent" for short periods if that's what it takes to prevent plots (such as the one at Krasnaia Gorka) and the deaths of tens of thousands. We uncovered the conspiracies of the Kadets and quasi-Kadets. And we know that quasi-Kadet professors are giving assistance heart and soul to the conspirators. That is a fact.
The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and getting stronger in their fight to overthrow the bourgeoisie and their accomplices, the educated classes, the lackeys of capital, who consider themselves the brains of the nation. In fact they are not its brains but its shit."
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Orlando Sentinel: lopsided journalism
He also invents the newest attack against the Second Amendment, "disposable AK-47s", after Andre Patterson, 27, and Joshua Sharpe, 25, were repeatedly shot in the parking lot of an apartment complex. Two AK-47s and other weapons were ditched at the scene by the murderers, who were not apprehended.
This information was casually offered in the 12th paragraph: "Patterson had been arrested at least 13 times in Orange County on charges related to drugs, violence and firearms. Sharpe, known as "Booty," did not have a record in Orange County."
Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary features prominently in Pierson's writing, which often lacks no documentation for the numbers he cites. Of course, there is the mandatory video footage showing sheriff's employees blazing away at their training range with an AR-15 and an AK-47 removed from the evidence locker.
Beary was attacked by the Sentinel last fall after the department purchased an Alexander Arms Beowulf .50 cal. M-16 upper to bag "large dangerous animals" such as "exotics" on the lam from Disney's Animal Kingdom or the Barnum & Bailey Circus. Pierson has also cited Beary for appearing in uniform at a fundraising event for Jerry Demings, former Orlando police chief, who Beary has endorsed to replace him as sheriff. Deming, a Democrat, is opposed by Republican John Tegg, a former Beary deputy who ran against him in 2004.
Beary has also endorsed Democrat Lawson Lamar, who is seeking reelection as that area's State Attorney. Politicians and criminals aren't linked to the area's growing crime problem, but animated, disposable "assault weapons" are. Something has been lost in translation.
The National Rifle Association named Beary its law enforcement officer of the year in 1996.
Happy Columbus Day!

For those of like mind in other parts of the world, I give you Neil Young's "Cortez the Killer" so that you may remember this somber day of oppression from which all sorts of evil has resulted such as electricity, the digital age, recreational drugs, and banks of amps and speakers that have damaged Neil's hearing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qmMyyo5djwSunday, October 12, 2008
Reloading, dreaming

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Speechcrime in 2008: A column by Michael Barone

Thursday, October 9, 2008
One of the lost ...

Monday, October 6, 2008
If everything isn't black and white, I say, "Why the hell not?"

You scored 38% Tough, 19% Roguish, 24% Friendly, and 19% Charming!
Rain Interlude
Hopefully, Farmer Frank and his neighbors are making good progress in the fields. The rain should be in his part of the country tomorrow.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Exploding Yard Darts
Anyhow, the Civil War-era Ketchum hand grenades somewhat resemble yard darts. They were made in three sizes: one, three and five pounds. The Union purchased more than 92,000. The egg-shaped cast iron bodies were charged with powder. The tapered wood with three fins attached was inserted in the rear of the body to hold the powder in place. Then a primer was inserted into the nose followed by a plunger with a two-inch wide head. This picture shows the one-pound version.

The grenades were patented during the summer of 1861 by William F. Ketchum of Buffalo, NY. He was primarily known for his farm implement innovations. He was the first to offer a practical hay mowing machine, which hit the market in the mid 1840s.
Ketchum grenades were used during assaults on Confederate earthworks at Port Hudson, Louisana, in 1863. The defenders spread out blankets to catch the grenades so they wouldn't detonate. Then the Confederates would fling them back down into the attackers.
The grenades often failed to explode. Maybe plain yard darts would have worked better.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Support the Arts: Go native

A glimpse back at spring
The grass is a blend of timothy and orchard grass. We used to run horses on it during the winter. Now it is baled once a year for hay. We use a clearing near the south end for some overnight camping and church and family wiener roasts. My son's Boy Scout troop camped there this summer. The hawks, owls, turkeys, blue herons and whitetail deer don't seem to mind sharing the space with us.
I dropped my digital camera and it's not back in service. I need to get out and take fall pictures.
After sunset


The pilots above, from left to right, are: Frances Green Kari, Margaret Kircher Stevensen, Ann Waldner Currier and Blanche Osborne Bross. They were walking down the flight line at Lockbourne Army Air Base in Columbus, Ohio, where they were trained to fly B-17 Flying Fortresses. Mrs. Currier is the only one still living. Mrs. Kari died in 1994 of cancer in Boise, Idaho, I believe.
Thirty-eight WASP lost their lives. Although they were under the command of the Army Air Force, they were considered civil service employees and received no death benefits. This meant their families had to pay transport charges to have remains shipped home and all burial expenses.
The WASP were trained at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas. Avenger Field is Sweetwater Airport. Hangar One, which was on the civilian side of Avenger Field during the war, is now home to the National WASP World War II Museum. The military side was located where the Texas State Technical College campus is now. On the campus, one will yet find the WASP wishing well. Next to it is a memorial wall.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Goodbye, Mr. Peters.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
He did not die in bed

Tilghman, born in 1854, arrived in Kansas with his family two years later. By age 16, he was hunting bison in southwest Kansas. There he befriended Bat and Jim Masterson, the Earp brothers, and other hunters who later became peace officers in Dodge City, the "Queen of the Cowtowns". He served as an Army scout, operated a saloon, and was a rancher after the bison herds vanished.
Bat Masterson appointed Tilghman as a Ford County, Kan., deputy sheriff in 1877, where he served until 1884 when he became Dodge City's marshal. He also served as a lawman during the "County Seat Wars" in western Kansas.
In the 1889 Sooner land rush, Tilghman moved his family to Guthrie, Oklahoma Territory. He served as a lawman in both Guthrie and Perry. U.S. Marshal Ed Nix offered him an appointment as a federal officer. Tilghman and fellow U.S. deputy marshals Chris Madson and Heck Thomas were assigned the task of hunting down the Dalton-Doolin gang. The citizens of Coffeyville, Kan., ended the career of the Daltons. The Three Guardsmen killed or led posses that captured the remainder. Together they made more than 300 arrests.
The marshal settled in Chandler and was elected Lincoln County sheriff in 1900. Later, he served Lincoln County in the Oklahoma Legislature. He resigned to become Oklahoma City's first appointed police chief in July 1911. He immediately directed officers to shut down brothels, gambling and bootlegging operations.
At the end of the two-year term, Tilghman returned to Chandler and operated Champion Stock Farm. The operation centered around Tilghman's horse, Chant, a Kentucky Derby winner.
He also directed a movie, The Passing of the Oklahoma Outlaws, which was released in 1915 by Tilghman's Eagle Film Company. Disturbed by the unfavorable portrayals of lawmen and the casting of outlaws as heros in other movies, he enlisted Nix, Madsen, other lawmen and the last surviving member of the Dalton-Doolin gang to portray themselves. Tilghman also starred in the movie. Theater owners were reluctant to run it because it lacked stars. The legend traveled the country, showing the movie and speaking to crowds.

Tilghman never retired from law enforcement. Along with Madsen and a few others, he held a statewide, special deputy's commission that was renewed by each of Oklahoma's early governors. He was called to stem tribal "Crazy Snake" uprisings and thwart Klu Klux Klan activities. In the early 1920s, oil was discovered in Oklahoma. Lawless boom towns sprang up in the oil patch and the state suffered from an unrelenting crime wave. Governor M.E. Trapp requested Tilghman to serve as his special investigator.
A few fearful citizens of Cromwell, nearly 60 miles east of Oklahoma City in Seminole County, petitioned Trapp for help. After the discovery of oil in October 1923, Cromwell grew from nothing into a wide-open, lawless city of more than 5,000 people by the following spring. The city had recorded at least 10 unsolved murders. Its oil-soaked, wood-frame businesses were primarily illegal saloons, gambling halls, and brothels. A man named Killian was reputably Cromwell's representative for crime bosses in Oklahoma City. Illegal drug use and "White Lightning" consumption was rampant. A Federal Prohibition agent, Wiley Lynn, was suspected of being paid to look the other way. Trapp asked Tilghman to tame one more town, "the wickedest in all Oklahoma."
The lawman's second wife and children asked him to turn down the assignment. Tilghman, who had not told them or Trapp he was dying from cancer, went regardless. Tilghman told a friend he wanted to die with his boots on and "not in bed like an old woman." After six months as the marshal of "Wicked Cromwell", he had made considerable progress with no help from Seminole County authorities. Lynn also arranged to release some of Tilghman's arrestees behind the scenes.
Halloween night, 1924, the marshal was having coffee in Ma Murphy's cafe, still in operation despite Tilghman shutting down Ma's attached "dance hall", with his deputy Hugh Sawyer and businessman W.E. Sirmans. Sirmans was one of the citizens who had requested help from Gov. Trapp. At 10 p.m. the men heard a shot fired outside in the street. Tilghman, who had stopped wearing his heavy gunbelt and Colt Peacemaker because of his cancer pain, drew a Colt .32 automatic from his pocket and ran outside.
G. Wayne Tilman, a distant cousin of Marshal Tilghman, described what happened next in "The Long Trail that ended in Cromwell: the Life and Death of legendary lawman Bill Tilghman", a July 1999 Cowboy Sports article:
"A drunken Wiley Lynn stood there, gun in hand. Brothel madam Rose Lutke was standing next to him. Another known prostitute, Eva Caton was sitting in Lynn's car with her date, a furloughed army sergeant.
Tilghman clasped Lynn's gun hand while jamming his own automatic into Lynn's ribs. He yelled for Hugh Sawyer to disarm Lynn. Rose Lutke, Lynn and Tilghman stood body to body in the dark as the young deputy rushed towards them. Two shots rang out. Lutke started screaming. After a few seconds, Tilghman slumped against the wall. Lynn disarmed Sawyer, who had yelled "Wiley Lynn has shot the Marshal!" though he had been unable to actually see the incident.
Lynn and Lutke jumped in the car and sped off.
William Matthew Tilghman died twenty minutes later on a sofa in the used furniture store next to Ma Murphy's. He had been hit twice in the left lung and bled to death internally."
One month after his death, every "every flophouse, bar, pool hall and brothel" in Cromwell were torched. The homes were spared. The arsons were never investigated. It was rumored the buildings were leveled in retribution for Tilghman's death by his friends.
Tilghman's body laid in state at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Lynn lost his federal position but was acquitted by a jury under suspicious circumstances. Key witnesses such as Rose Lutke vanished. Sirmans fled to Florida after his life was threatened.
Lynn died in July 1932. He entered Madill's Corner Drug Store and pointed a handgun at Crockett Long, an Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agent. Lynn blamed Long for his failure to obtain a job with the state bureau. Long, who had served as Madill's chief of police, had also arrested Lynn in the past. Long turned, tried to get Lynn to put down his weapon, and then drew his .44 Smith and Wesson revolver. Both men shot each other. A bystander, 22-year-old Rody Watkins, was fatally struck in the spine by a bullet from Lynn's .38 Colt semi-auto pistol that had passed through Long's body.
Long died on the operating table a short time later. When Lynn heard Long had died, he said, "If he's dead, now I'm ready to die." Lynn folded his arms across his chest, and the killer of three men stopped breathing.
Upon hearing of Lynn's death and expressing regret for the deaths of Long and Watkins, Tilghman's widow, Zoe, said, "No jury on Earth can acquit him now."
Tilghman's grave can be found in Chandler's Oak Park Cemetery. His home, a private residence, is on the National Historic Register. Chandler celebrates Independence Day, his birthday, in Tilghman Park, which sits on land Tilghman once owned.
Cromwell is now a small town with less than 300 people. In years past, it has celebrated "Bill Tilghman Day" on the second Saturday in October.